Triangles Exhibiting Ascending Diagonal Properties (Part III)

An interesting property of Pascal's triangle is that its diagonals sum to the Fibonacci sequence as shown online. (Just type in Pascal Fibonacci image). A similar property has been discovered with the three following triangles in this page. The triangles are shown in Tables I, II and III along with their summed ascending diagonals. These sums, starting at n = 1, correspond, respectively, to the sequence in the OEIS database for the Sloane number A071619 with the formula:


to the sequence for the Sloane number A008577 with the formula:

⌈2n2/3 + 2(n − 1)2/3⌉ or ⌈2/3(2n2 − 2n + 1)⌉

and to the Sloane number A299259 with the formulas:

⌈2/3(n2 + 2(n − 1)2 + (n − 2)2 + 1) ⌉    for n > 1


⌈2/3(n2 + 2(n − 1)2 − (n − 2)2) + 1⌉      for n = 1

The left and right ceiling brackets denotes that the the number is rounded off to the next higher number.

The Three Triangles

The three triangles are named for their first row line, a row line originating in the Pascal triangle, i.e, Table I (T121), Table II (T1331) and Table III (T14641). In addition, the triangle with the Sloane number A004737 and the CAT triangle from Part II may also be alternatively renamed T1 and T11, respectfully. Furthermore, T11, T121, T1331 and T14641 can be constructed from T1 by multiplying (x+1)n (n=1,2,3,4) with a polynomial having the coefficients of the rows in T1. Moreover, we can do this for all n and thus acquire an infinite number of triangles and, therefore, an infinite number of ascending sequences.

The triangles are displayed in irregular triangle array format with two colors corresponding to the ascending diagonals as shown in the partial Tables I-II where the first row - SD represents the Sum of Diagonals:

Table I (Triangle 121/Diagonals)
SD13 61117 2433 435467 8196113 131150171 193216
146 41
148 108 41
148 1214 1284 1
148 121618 1612 841
148 121620 222016 128 41
148 1216 202426 242016 12841
148 121620 2428 302824201612841
148 1216 20242832 343228 24201612841
Table II (Triangle 1331/Diagonals)
SD14 91728 4157 7697121 148177209 244281321 364409
133 1
1510 105 1
1512 1818 1251
1512 2026 262012 51
1512 202834 3428 20125 1
1512 202836 424236 2820 1251
1512 2028 364450 504436 28201251
1512 202836 4452 58585244362820125 1
1512 2028 36445260 666660 5244362820125
Table III (Triangle 14641/Diagonals)
SD15 132645 6998 113173218 269325386 453525602 685773
146 41
1615 2015 61
1617 3036 30176 1
1617 3246 524632 1761
1617 324862 6862 483217 61
1617 324864 788478 6448 321761
1617 3248 648094 10094806448 321761
1617 324864 8096 110116110968064483217 61
1617 3248 648096112 126132126 112968064483217

From the tables above it can be seen that an ascending sequence from the previous triangle may be used to generate a sequence in the next higher triangle by adding together adjacent numbers starting with n=0. For example, adding 0+1, 1+3, 3+6, 6+11, 11+17... to the sequence (from T121) 1,3,6,11,17,... produces the sequence 1,4,9,17,28,... of T1331. And doing the same to the sequence from T1331 generates the sequence from T14641. In fact, addition of adjacent numbers in the the sequence obtained or the CAT triangle in Part I 1,2,4,7,10,14,19,24,30,37... produces the same sequence 1,3,6,11,17,24,33,43,54,67... as T121.

Coded Examples

Since Table I is symmetrical through the central row of the triangle the formulas derived for the coefficients (C) of the left hand side of the triangle used in coding are:

C = 4k − 4    for 1 ≤ k ≤ n

for the center row:

C = 4k − 6         

and for the right hand side:

C = 4k − 4    for n ≥ k ≥ 1

On the other hand, the formulas for coding for C for Tables II and III as shown in the text files uses a number other formulas to generate each row.

Using these formulas the text files (T121-text, T1331-text and (T14641-text with an n value of 15 a triangle can be displayed as an irregular triangle array of rows. The three coded examples are shown in T121-coded, T1331-coded and T14641-coded.

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