Picture of a wheel

A Discussion of Variant 5

For this one 9x9 example, variant 5CC is set up so that the group of numbers in the left diagonal ½ (n2-n+2) to ½(n2+n) are set up according to the following order 44 → 37 → 39 → 40 → 41 → 42 → 43 → 45 → 38, as shown in the partial complementary template starting at 1:

Variant 5
37 38 39 40
45 44 43 42
2 9 3 4
8 1 7 6

Using this template (normal) the other diagonal, column and row of the wheel are filled in followed by filling in of the "non-spoke" numbers using 81, 82 or 83 as the only sum pairs as shown in the parity table.

PARITY table for variant 5CC
  1. Fill in the wheel as was done the original non color-coded wheel method to arrive at Square I.
  2. To Square I add two final columns and rows into which a running total of each of the columns/rows will be placed (grey column). The final column/row contains the running total of the Δ 369 sums.
  3. Fill in row/columns 1 and 9 (using the complementary table at the end as a guide) placing the lowest number of the pair into the yellow cells and adding the complementary numbers (paired with these numbers) semi-associatively, e.g., 15 → 67 → 16 → 66. (Square II).
  4. Square I
    44 72 6 122247
    37 9 77 123 246
    39 11 75 125244
    40 12 74 126243
    2 81 79 78 41 4 3 1 80 3690
    8 70 42 120249
    7 71 43 121248
    5 73 45 123246
    76 10 38 124245
    122123125 126 369120 121123124 369
    247246 244 2430249 248 246245
    Square II
    44 13 1517 72 65 6769 6 368-1
    19 37 9 77 62204 165
    21 39 11 75 60 206163
    23 40 12 74 58 207162
    2 81 79 78 41 4 3 1 80 3690
    59 8 70 42 24 203166
    61 7 71 4322 204165
    63 5 73 45 20 206163
    76 6866 641018 1614 38 3701
    368204206 207 369203 204206370 369
    -1165 163 1620166 165 1631
  5. Fill in row/columns 2 and 8 similarly to arrive at Square III.
  6. Fill in row/columns 3 and 7 similarly to arrive at Square IV. Note that four sums differ by ±1 from 369. These numbers must be modified to make the square completely magic.
  7. Square III
    44 13 1517 72 65 6769 6 368-1
    19 37 25 27 9 5557 77 62368 -1
    2129 39 11 75 52 60 28782
    2331 40 12 74 50 58 28881
    2 81 79 78 41 4 3 1 80 3690
    5951 8 70 42 32 24 28683
    6153 7 71 433022 28782
    63 5 56 5473 28 26 45 20 3701
    76 6866 641018 1614 38 3701
    368368287 288 369286 287370370 369
    -1-1 82 81083 82 11
    Square IV
    44 13 1517 72 65 6769 6 368-1
    19 37 25 27 9 5557 77 62368 -1
    2129 39 33 11 49 75 52 60 3690
    233135 40 12 74 46 50 58 3690
    2 81 79 78 41 4 3 1 80 3690
    595147 8 70 42 36 32 24 3690
    6153 7 48 71 34 433022 3690
    63 5 56 5473 28 26 45 20 3701
    76 6866 641018 1614 38 3701
    368368369 369 369369 369370370 369
    -1-1 0 000 0 11
  8. To do this the second cells in square Va in column/row 1 are interchanged with the ninth cells of column/row 9. Thus interchange occurs as follows: 14↔13 and 20↔19.
  9. After removal of the 10th and 11th columns/rows and color coding the internal cells for better vizualization gives square Vb.
  10. Similarly the complementaty table numbers are color coded for comparison with the numbers in the magic square.
Square Va
44 14 1517 72 65 6769 6 3690
20 37 25 27 9 5557 77 62369 0
2129 39 33 11 49 75 52 60 3690
233135 40 12 74 46 50 58 3690
2 81 79 78 41 4 3 1 80 3690
595147 8 70 42 36 32 24 3690
6153 7 48 71 34 433022 3690
63 5 56 5473 28 26 45 19 3690
76 6866 641018 1613 38 3690
369369369 369 369369 369369369 369
00 0 000 0 00
Square Vb
44 14 1517 72 65 6769 6
20 37 25 27 9 5557 77 62
2129 39 33 11 49 75 5260
233135 40 12 74 46 5058
2 81 79 78 41 4 3 1 80
595147 8 70 42 36 32 24
6153 7 48 71 34 433022
63 5 56 5473 28 26 45 19
76 6866 641018 1613 38
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42

The next page contains Method A-2, which uses a template invert form. Go back to homepage. or previous page.

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