Part II

Picture of a wheel

7x7 Wheel Border Magic Square

A magic square is an arrangement of numbers 1,2,3,... n2 where every row, column and diagonal add up to the same magic sum S and n is also the order of the square. A magic square having all pairs of cells diametrically equidistant from the center of the square and equal to the sum of the first and last terms of the series n2 + 1 is also called associated or symmetric. In addition, the center of this type of square must always contain the middle number of the series, i.e., ½(n2 + 1).

A modified facile method for the construction of wheel type magic squares is now available. The position of the spokes are rotated by 90° so that the left diagonal starts at the bottom left cell. The 7x7 as well as its internal internal squares. In addition, eversion of the square gives an opposite square which is not bordered.

The new magic squares with n = 7 are constructed as follows using a complimentary table as a guide.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26

A 7x7 Magic Square Using the Pairs {24,23,22,25,28,27,26} and {6,5,4,25,46,45,44}

  1. The 7x7 square is to be filled with 25 numbers from the subset 1-9 and their complements 41-49 and the numbers 22-28. The spokes of the wheel are generated as follows: Numbers 22-28 in the left diagonal; numbers 4,5,6 and conjugates 44,45,46 in the right diagonal; numbers 1,2,3 and conjugates 47,48,49 in top to bottom center; and 7,8,9 and conjugates 41,42,43 in center horizontal (square A1). The addition of these pair of numbers and conjugates to the 7x7 square are shown below using directional pointed arrows:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 789 ... 222324
    4948 47 464544 43 42 41 ... 262728
  2. Sum up the rows and columns 1-3 and 5-7 and subtract from the magic sum 175. This gives the amounts required (shown in green Square A2) The last column shows the two amounts need to complete the row and column (shown in yellow).
  3. Fill in the internal square 5x5 with the numbers 10-13 and complements 37-40 according to the picture below using two adjacent pair of numbers.
  4. Then similarly fill in the external non-spoke cells (rows 1 and 7 and columns 1 and 7) with the numbers 14 to 21 and complements 29 to 36.
  5. Picture of arrows
44 3 26
45 2 27
46 1 28
9 8 7 25 43 42 41
22 49 4
23 48 5
24 47 6
44 3 26 102 51+51
45 2 27 101 50+51
46 1 26 100 50+50
9 8 7 25 43 42 41
22 49 4 100 50+50
23 48 5 99 49+50
24 47 6 98 49+49
9899100 100101 102
44 3 26
45 11 240 27
37 46 128 13
9 8 7 25 43 42 41
12 22 49 4 38
23 39 48 10 5
24 47 6
44 15 17 3 3436 26
31 45 11 240 27 19
29 37 46 128 13 21
9 8 7 25 43 42 41
2012 22 49 4 38 30
1823 39 48 10 5 32
24 35 33 47 1614 6
A4 Border
44 15 17 3 3436 26
31 45 11 240 27 19
29 37 46 1 28 13 21
9 87 25 43 4241
2012 22 49 4 38 30
1823 39 48 10 5 32
24 35 33 47 1614 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26

Conversion of the 7x7 into its transposed opposite

Generation of a 7x7 transposed opposite can also follow the route used above. The method to transpose columns followed by rows follows. This generates a new square in which only the external 7x7 is magic.

  1. Take square A4 and transpose (column 1 with column 3) and (column 5 with column 7) to get Square A5.
  2. Take square A6 and transpose (row 1 and row 3) and (row 5 with row 7) to get Square A6.
  3. In a sense A4 has been imploded or everted into A6, i.e., A4 and A6 below are opposites.
44 15 17 3 3436 26
31 45 11 240 27 19
29 37 46 128 13 21
9 8 7 25 43 42 41
2012 22 49 4 38 30
1823 39 48 10 5 32
24 35 33 47 1614 6
17 15 44 3 2636 34
11 45 31 219 27 40
46 37 29 121 13 28
7 89 25 41 4243
2212 20 49 30 38 4
3923 18 48 32 5 10
3 35 24 47 614 16
46 37 29 1 2113 28
11 45 31 219 27 40
17 15 44 326 36 34
7 89 25 41 4243
335 24 47 6 14 16
3923 18 48 32 5 10
22 12 20 49 3038 4

The result is a new everted square conforming to the same complementary table.

This completes part II of a border Magic Square Wheel method. To see the next 9x9 Part III.
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Copyright © 2015 by Eddie N Gutierrez.