Octagon Algorithm for Border Wheel Squares (Part IV)

Picture of a wheel

The Eight Node Way - 5×5 Squares

The previous section Part III introduced the Octagon A algorithm for the construction of 9×9 Wheel Squares. This section will cover Wheel Border squares a topic which was discussed in 2015 using 7×7 squares. The method of construction, then, required using some little difficult to follow math. I have found a the Octagon method is a better way of tackling this problem which doesn't use math at all but employs directed graphs to fill in the non spoke cells. Border squares are magic squares whose internal lower number magic squares are also magic. As stated above, border squares can be constructed using the Wheel algorithm but with the wheel portion first constructed but in reverse order from that listed in Part I. So for instance for 5×5 squares:

a) the main diagonal is first filled in with the numbers 12,11,13,15,14
b) the central column is filled in reverse order starting at the topmost cell and moving to the bottom cell
c) the left diagonal is filled in reverse order starting at the right bottom cell and moving to the leftmost top cell
d) the central row is filled in reverse order starting at the leftmost cell and moving to the rightmost cell

Thus, according to the discussion in Part I there are three wheels which can be produced: Wheel A, Wheel B and Wheel C:

Wheel A
22 2 14
23 115
65 1321 20
11 253
12 24 4
Wheel B
20 4 14
21 315
87 1319 18
11 235
12 22 6
Wheel C
18 6 14
19 515
109 1317 16
11 217
12 20 8

which uses the accompaning 5×5 complementary table as a guide to pick the 17 wheel spoke numbers and 8 of the non spoke numbers:

12 34 5 6 78 910 11 12
2524 2322 2120 1918 1716 1514

To fill in the remainder of the numbers a new algorithm, Octagon E, is used starting with the initial node at the middle left of the octagon:

Picture of an octagon

We start by adding the lowest spoke number on the complementary table to position (1,0), i.e., position (row, column), on the square. For example, in Wheel A, the first non spoke number, 7, goes into the cell corresponding to node 1. Using Octagon E one follows the arrows and deposits a number into the appropriate white cell of the square to generate the three squares. The difference between this algorithm and the previous ones is that the complements of the first four numbers no longer reside on the same row or column but reside across the octagon. Comparing the tuples of Octagon A from Part II with Octagon E, all tuples of A sum to 9 while those of E have sums of 8 and 10, respectively.

Border 5(0)e
2210 217 14
723 115 19
65 1321 20
1811 253 8
1216 249 4
Border 5(1)e
2010 417 14
121 315 25
87 1319 18
2411 235 2
1216 229 6
Border 5(2)e
184 623 14
119 515 25
109 1317 16
2411 217 2
1222 203 8

An alternative Octagon F, which has no edges superimposed onto the edges of the octagon, uses the following where node 1 is now at the bottom right of the octagon.

Picture of an octagon
Border 5(0)f
228 219 14
1623 115 10
65 1321 20
911 253 17
1218 247 4
Border 5(1)f
202 425 14
1621 315 10
87 1319 18
911 235 17
1224 221 6
Border 5(2)f
182 625 14
2219 515 4
109 1317 16
311 217 23
1224 201 8
Border 5(2)f
182 625 14
2219 515 4
109 1317 16
311 217 23
1224 201 8

In addition, Border Fc is the way these border squares are normally depicted to show the magic properties of the internal and outer squares. The upshot is that both these algorithms along with the reversed wheel algorithm produce border squares, where the inner 3×3 squares have magic sums of 39 and the outer 5×5 squares have magic sums of 65.

Computer Coding for 5×5 Border Squares

Coding for these border squares is similar to those for the regular Octagon/Wheel squares, except on how the cells are filled. Programs 50-52 are the Octagon E series while programs 53-55 belong to the Octagon F series. Both programs go thru step by step procedure for filling of the non spoke section portion of each square. The table gives three programs each for both the Octagon E and F algorithms for the set of three squares each depicted above. The text coding is also available for both.

(a) Border 50 (t) Border 50 text
(b) Border 51
(c) Border 52
(a) Border 53 (t) Border 53 text
(b) Border 54
(c) Border 55

This completes the Octagon E and F method for 5×5 squares. Go to 7×7 Squares. Go back to homepage.

Copyright © 2022 by Eddie N Gutierrez. E-Mail: enaguti1949@gmail.com